Nefesh Hachaim Part II
Speaker: Rav Mordechai Gifter | January 04, 2018
Rav Gifter giving a shiur on Nefesh Hachaim part II.
Nefesh Hachaim Part I
Speaker: Rav Mordechai Gifter | January 04, 2018
Rav Gifter giving a Shiur on Nefesh Hachaim part I.
What is demanded from a Ben Torah
Speaker: Rav Mordechai Gifter | January 04, 2018
Rav Gifter speaking Chol Hamoed Pesach about what is demanded from a Ben Torah.
Learning Torah must lead to action
Speaker: Rav Mordechai Gifter | January 04, 2018
Rav Gifter on a Motoei Shabbos speaking about learning Torah leading to action.
in Chanukah, Yiddish, Yomim Tovim
Chanuka on Betochon
Speaker: Rav Mordechai Gifter | January 04, 2018
Rav Gifter speaking about Chanuka concerning Betochon.
Meeting the Pope by Jews
Speaker: Rav Mordechai Gifter | January 04, 2018
Rav Gifter speaking about Jews going to meet the Pope in Florida when he came.
Learning Torah before you serve the Tzibur
Speaker: Rav Mordechai Gifter | January 04, 2018
Rav Gifter speaking about learning Torah in the Yeshivos and Kollels before serving the Tzibur.
in English, Hashkafa, Yomim Noraim
What is Torah to a Jew
Speaker: Rav Mordechai Gifter | January 04, 2018
Rav Gifter speaking about Torah to a Jew before Yomin Noraim.
Mindfulness in Torah Living
Speaker: Rav Mordechai Gifter | January 04, 2018
Rav Gifter speaking on the way to Torah living.